
About JAC Heavy-Duty

         Anhui Jianghuai-Yinlian Heavy-Duty Construction Machine Co., Ltd (JAC Heavy-Duty) is a subsidiary company hold by Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Company Group (JAC Motor Group). 

        The product line of JAC Motor Group include light truck, heavy truck, pick-up, A-class and C-class sedan, MPV, SUV,    coach, bus, forklift and excavator, sales volume reached $ 3 billion in 2008.

        JAC Heavy-Duty is a professional manufacturer of forklift trucks, warehouse material handling equipments and           excavators with production capacity of 20,000 units/year, sales volume ranked 3rd in all Chinese forklift brand in  
2008 China forklift market.
        The introduction of JAC 4DA1 diesel engine mark that JAC Heavy-Duty become the only manufacturer in China who  uses it’s own high quality engine.
        JAC Heavy-Duty has established a network of more than 150 dealer spots in national 29 provinces, as well as 15 forklift agent spots world wide to provide the customers a series of services including the whole truck sales, spare parts 
supply, maintenance service and consultancy service.
        JAC Forklift passed:
        -ISO9001 (Quality Management System) registration in June 2004
        -ISO9001 (Quality Management System) renewed registration in 2007
        -ISO14001 (Environment Management System) registration in 2009
        -GB/T28001 OHSMS (Occupation Health Safety Management System) registration in 2009
        -CE Certificate registration.

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