
JAC Heavy News

"Oil and electricity" helps logistics to reduce costs, and promote high -quality developme


Guide the new kinetic energy with the old replacement new momentum

Jianghuai Heavy Industries focuses on the development direction of "electrification and intelligence". Since 2016, it has increased the research and development and marketing of new energy products and intelligent products. Type smart AGV products, the product covers 1-12 tons of new energy balance, realizes the continuous optimization and upgrading of the product structure, and continuously iterates upgrade. A number of innovation and upgrading of comfort and other aspects, which are widely recognized by users with significant characteristics such as cost -effectiveness, full scenes, comfort, etc., leading users to "oil exchange" update needs, and helping logistics to move green transformation.

Innovative marketing model promotes transformation and upgrading

Large -scale equipment renewal and consumer goods will gradually implement the old -fashioned policy. As a state -owned controlling enterprise, Jianghuai Heavy Industry actively responds to the Party Central Committee's call and decision -making and deployment. The innovative marketing model promotes the informal field to take effect with the old -fashioned land. In the form of tasting meetings and fixed tour exhibitions in the professional market and logistics market, the launch of old car replacement, financial leasing, lease sales, vehicle and electrical separation and other diversified car purchase programs, easily realize the use of new energy forklifts to help help help The transformation and upgrading of the majority of users can achieve green production, reduce the cost of material handling, and improve the operating efficiency of the enterprise. The majority of users can choose the appropriate new plan for the old.

The main features of the JAC CROSS series lithium battery special vehicle:

Series full: cover 1.5-12 tons and various scenarios

Long battery life: equipped with a 150AH-460AH lithium battery, battery life 4-12 hours

High performance: the maximum speed can reach 20km ', the maximum climbing degree is 20%

High security: IP67 protection level, high -pressure interoperability, multiple insulation monitoring

Intelligence: equipped with a car networking system, which can achieve a number of remote management, improve operating efficiency, and guarantee the safety of people, cars, and material safety

Low cost: Lithium battery exemption and long quality insurance. Taking 5 years as an example, the total life cycle cost is reduced by 60%

Humanization: double pedal, small diameter steering wheel, high -match seat, excellent comfort

Zero emissions: lithium iron phosphate battery, high charging and discharge efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection

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