
JAC Heavy News

JAC Large-Tonnage Forklift Gain The Favor Of Market By Excellent Quality Once Again


Spring to summer, autumn harvest winter Tibet. On November 27, the batch delivery ceremony of 18 units large-tonnage forklifts was successfully held, and user representatives and JAC forklift leaders attended the delivery ceremony.

The delivery ceremony is just the beginning, the company's customer service center team to the user service oath, listen to user demands, defend user value, loyalty service unwavering service commitment to ensure that users use the forklift at safe, comfortable, reassuring, and worry free.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Zhang Jinhan, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of JAC forklift, thanked the users for their trust and support for a long time, and the third batch delivery is an affirmation of the products and services of JAC forklift, and it is an in-depth embodiment of mutual trust and mutual benefit between the two sides.

At present, driven by the "2060" Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutral policy, it is in the strategic opportunity period in the process of energy reform, both sides are vigorously promoting the adjustment of industrial and product structure, accelerating transformation and upgrading, and the business philosophy and development ideas of both sides are highly compatible, hoping to promote deeper cooperation between the two sides.

In the user representative’s speech he fully affirmed the product quality and excellent service of JAC forklift, expressed gratitude for the high quality and efficient delivery of customized products, was full of confidence in the third cooperation, and felt deeply about the corporate culture of JAC forklift "Respectful Management".

Xie ZhenXing, Party secretary, chairman and general manager of JAC forklift, delivered the “Golden Key” symbolizing cooperation and partnership to the user representative.

The delivery ceremony is just the beginning, the company's customer service center team to the user service oath, listen to user demands, defend user value, loyalty service unwavering service commitment to ensure that users use the forklift at safe, comfortable, reassuring, and worry free.

JAC forklift adheres to the user-centered business principle, committed to providing users with stable and reliable products and services, and fully guarantees the efficient needs of users' production and operation. Winter comes after autumn.Whatever the past has been, we have a spotless future.

JAC's brand new J series large-tonnage products, equipped with high pressure common rail engine(national stage four), with stable performance, high efficiency and energy saving, reliable and durable, easy maintenance and other remarkable characteristics.The 18 units forklift are equipped with cab and air conditioning, which greatly improves the working comfort; At the same time, it is equipped with reversing image system to effectively ensure work safety.

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