
JAC Heavy News

JAC FORKLIFT Organized The Launch Ceremony Of the Safety Production Month Activity


June 2023 is the 22nd national "safety production month", on the morning of June 1, the company organized the launch ceremony of safety month activities in front of the office building, the launch ceremony was presided over by Zhao Hailong, Vice minister of safety production, and all employees participated.

The company organized and held the "safety production month" oath signature commitment activity. Sworn by Guo Haiyun, Minister of safety production , all employees take the oath,and on the banner printed with "Everyone keep safety in mind, Everyone takes emergency measures", solemnly signed their name.Each employee is closely linked with the concept of safe production and their own awareness of safe production, carrying the responsibility of production safety on their shoulders, engraved in their hearts, and remembered in their minds

Fan Zhenxing, assistant general manager of the company, made a speech, emphasizing that production safety is related to the life and property safety of all employees, everyone should strengthen the awareness of production safety, maximize the elimination of safety hazards, prevent work-related accidents, to eliminate all hidden dangers in the bud, all units should attach great importance to and earnestly carry out the activities of "Safety month". We hope that through this activity, we can seriously summarize and deeply reflect on the problems and loopholes in the production safety process, and find the reasons for these problems and loopholes, strengthen management, and formulate improvement measures; All departments should strengthen coordination to ensure the effectiveness of the "Safety Month" activities, so that each activity has planning, process, summary, reflection, and effectiveness.

Before the launch ceremony, the Ministry of Safety Production issued the "safety production Month" activity program, safety culture publicity, safety warning education and training, group activities and individual activities related to production safety.

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