
JAC Heavy News

Brand Upgrading, Future Sharing


  "Brand Upgrading, Future Sharing" as the theme of JAC forklift European distributors annual conference 2019 was held in Hefei from December 20 through 22, 2018. JAC forklift shared successful experience with some distributors from Europe, discussing international market opportunity, and plan the sales market in 2019. 

  Distributor representatives took great interest visiting the new base of JAC motor automated production line. Everyone was satisfied with the automated production line of JAC motor and AGV automated operation, and highly appraised the production site and quality control of JAC products.

  During the exhibition, the AGV model launched by JAC forklift attracted the attention of distributors, and European friends showed great interest in the AGV. Due to the requirements of distributors, AGV with laser and magnetic stripe are arranged for operation at the exhibition site, so that European friends can witness the performance and advanced technology of AGV models at the site.

  The annual commendation ceremony was held at the conference, and JAC forklift awarded excellent sales manager and excellent distributor team etc. The award ceremony ended with cheers, and JAC forklift European distributors 2019 annual conference ended in a great success.

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