
JAC Heavy News

Mass Production of Diesel Forklift with JAC Engine


Under long time of R&D and trial production for the market, JAC new model of diesel 2-3.5t diesel forklift with JAC 4DA1 engine is proved to be of high performance and good reliability. From May 1st, the mass production of forklift with JAC 4DA1 engine has been started to provide the global customers with high quality/price ratio diesel forklift product.

JAC 4DA1 diesel engine is a product of JAC Motors (www.jac.com.cn), specially designed for diesel forklift with high torque at low speed.

To further improve the performance of forklift, we apply Wooyoung flexible transmission on the new model. The combination of JAC 4DA1 engine and flexible transmission can make the forklift achieve high performance --- with lighter weight, lower fuel consumption, lower noise, less vibration and less emission.

The mass production of diesel forklift marked that JAC become the first manufacturer in Chinawho applies high quality engine made by its own. 

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